While we're taking some time to get the internet stabilized at the hotel, I'd like to bring an epic fail in public relations to your attention. So, for a post, please excuse my departure from all things Dubai, Sharjah, and Haida, because we're going to talk about an entity that really needs a good PR consultant right about now. (Well, at least we're not diverting too far...)
First, check out this article at CNET. "Apple support company sues customer for complaining"
Ahhh, right. Good read? Eh, even if you didn't read it, the article's title gives you the idea. (Imagine that -- descriptive titles. Really, who runs these journalism schools these days?)
So, this Greek man is being sued by an Apple authorized service provider (ASP). ASPs help fill in the gaps in Apple's coverage network so that customers remote from official Apple repair facilities can still get their Macs fixed. The man claims that the ASP cleaned the inside of his iMac, replaced the screen, and returned it to him; however, when he started it up, the screen was in worse shape. He informed the ASP, but they weren't interested in making another repair for free. After following the legal process, he took his story to the forums.
And now he's being sued for referring to the ASP's work as "dodgy." Regardless of the quality of work this ASP performs, their intention to recoup damage expenses will result in self inflicted wounds far deeper. What was not a story is now playing in the national blog syndicates, and I imagine it will play in the mainstream media within the next week.
So, good job, Systemgraph, you've earned an international reputation. Let's see what the reputation brings you.
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