My boss, Captain Scott, is an avid kite surfer. When I went over to his house last weekend, we watched a few kite surfing videos. There had been wind in the forecast last week, but the wind never arrived.
Today was a different story. There was wind and plenty of it! Scott used his lunch break to go down to the beach, and I joined him after work. I didn't get to surf today, but I'm hoping to try it before I leave at the end of February. It was so cool to watch. I uploaded a dozen photographs to my Picasa site. When I went down to the beach after work, the sun was already pretty low. I love the way the light looks during the last 30-45 minutes of the day. When I'm at Webb, the sun hits the building and trees with a dazzling orange glow. I can't wait to take pictures of that!
Here's a sample of the album from the Picasa site.

Sharjah continues to provide great scenes for me to use my new camera. I might post a few more pictures to the album tomorrow.
For now, I'm going to surf into my sleep in anticipation of Haida's docking.
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